How to get rid of warts at home quickly

removes warts on a woman's face

Very few people know, but warts are not just a seal on the skin that can be seen by touching a frog (as we all were told in childhood), it is a benign neoplasm that occurs when the body is damaged by papillomavirus. Before we talk about how to get rid of warts at home, it is necessary to say a few words about the causes of the virus and the neoplasms that form on a person's skin.

Human papillomavirus: causes of infection

Papillomavirus is transmitted through close contact or the use of common household items. It can be easily removed in public places such as a swimming pool, sauna or beach, especially if there are unhealed wounds or cracks on the body.

Papillomas of the virus do not manifest themselves for a long time after entering the human body. It can "settle" in the body for several months, looking for the most suitable place for reproduction. At the same time, a person feels well and does not feel any formation in his body. Therefore, he continues to visit public places without knowing that it is contagious to others.

Once the virus is activated, the structure of human skin begins to change. They deform and small structures appear on the surface. Their size can vary from a few millimeters to several centimeters. Such neoplasms can appear anywhere - on the arms, trunk, face, neck.

The doctor examines the wart on his back

And before you talk about how to get rid of warts, you need to consider their types. There are 3 types of neoplasms caused by the papilloma virus:

  1. Common warts. It is a dense formation (nodule) with a diameter of 1 cm, has a round shape and a rough surface. Such formations often occur on the neck, face, hands and fingers.
  2. Juvenile flat formations. They usually look like small knots no larger than 3 mm in size. They are flesh-colored or yellowish in color. In most cases, such formations are observed in adolescence and are located on the hands or face.
  3. Plantar warts. These are the most painful neoplasms that occur only in the legs. It gets rough due to the constant friction on the shoes and causes terrible discomfort when walking. It is important to know how to get rid of warts and what methods are best to use to eliminate foot discomfort while walking. However, it should be noted that it is very difficult to remove such a formation on the foot. It is necessary to carry out various procedures on a regular basis.

Before learning how to quickly remove a wart at home, I would like to note that in this case you need to be extremely careful. An awkward movement virus can spread to other parts of the body.

It is important to understand that if papillomas develop in intimate areas or in the mammary glands, self-medication should never be done! This can be dangerous to your health. In this case, treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision!

Home remedies for warts

Traditional medicine offers many tools and methods to get rid of warts at home. However, it should be noted that all of them are effective only when used for a long time. It should be noted that the treatment of papilloma virus is very difficult. To do this, take antiviral drugs and use a combination therapy that includes hardware therapy.

Traditional medicine will only help to eliminate the external manifestations of the virus, but will not cure the disease itself. At the first opportunity, for example, with a decrease in immunity, warts will reappear, so you should not rely entirely on alternative medicine.

Celandine juice

How to remove a wart at home? To do this, you can use freshly squeezed celandine juice. This method of getting rid of such neoplasms in the body was used by our grandmothers and was very successful, as shown in practice.

Removal of a wart on a finger with celandine herb juice

It is treated with strawberry juice as follows: rubbed 2-3 times a day until complete disappearance. First, the neoplasm will dry out and darken, then blackheads will appear and gradually decrease in size, and then disappear completely. The main thing is to treat it until the wart is completely gone. If the treatment is stopped, it will start to grow again.


Traditional medicine offers another way to remove warts and papillomas. And this is the caterpillarization of neoplasms with garlic. To perform such a procedure at home, you need to apply garlic regularly, but very carefully. Burns if it enters healthy skin.

To prevent burns, the application should be as follows: first take a cast and cut a hole in which only the neoplasm will be placed. The plaster is glued and then a clove of peeled garlic is removed, passed through a press and applied to the resulting gruel wart. Apply polyethylene on top and cover everything with a bandage.

Such a compress should be kept for 5-7 hours, you can do it at night. The result of the procedure will be noticeable almost immediately. The wart will darken and shrink. Here, as in the previous case, it is important to carry out such measures every day until the neoplasm is completely gone.

The essence of vinegar

How to get rid of warts on the body? For this you can use 9% vinegar. It should be applied to the formation with a pipette several times a day. However, to avoid damaging healthy skin, the skin around the wart should be lubricated with an oily cream or olive oil.

Vinegar essence should be used until the neoplasm disappears. This can last from one to two months.

Apples and rowan

There is another way to get rid of large warts. And this is the use of rhubarb or apple juice. They can be combined in equal proportions for the effectiveness of treatment.

How is the treatment going? You can start rubbing an apple or a berry juice that looks like a wart. Or, using a juicer, squeeze the water inside, moisten a clean cotton wool inside and apply to the neoplasm for 10-15 minutes. The course of treatment is very long, but it is important not to cut it until the wart is completely gone.


How to quickly remove a wart from the body? For this, onions should be used. Its application allows you to destroy not only the formation itself, but also its roots. The roots of papillomas are large, so they grow back after removal.

onion to remove warts

To get rid of warts at home as soon as possible, onions should be peeled and chopped. To do this, you can pass through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. The resulting gruel should be applied to the wart, covered with polyethylene and fastened with a bandage. Keep the compress for 2-4 hours.

However, it should be noted that frequent exposure of the skin to onions can cause burns. Therefore, before applying onion gruel to the neoplasm, the skin near the wart should be lubricated with vegetable oil or greasy cream.


This tool will not help to completely eliminate the wart, but its use will significantly reduce the size of the neoplasm. And if you combine this method with other traditional medicine, the process of getting rid of warts will be faster.

Ice is applied to the neoplasm every day for 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to do this before going to bed. Within a few days, the wart will shrink a lot.


How to get rid of warts with folk remedies? You can use ordinary chalk at home. The therapeutic effect is aimed not only at eliminating the external manifestations of the disease, but also the virus itself.

Chalk is used as follows: it is rubbed on a fine grater to obtain a fine powder, then the wart is applied in a thick layer, polyethylene is applied on top, and all this is fixed with a bandage. The compress should be kept on all night.

The uniqueness of this method is that it is completely safe for the surrounding soft tissues and gives very fast results that last a long time.

Baking soda

The most common way to get rid of warts at home is to spray a strong soda solution on the neoplasm. Prepare it like this: dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water.

After spraying the product, the solution is rubbed into the wart for a while, which allows you to remove the outer layer of the cornea. Then a piece of peeled raw potato is rubbed on the treated area and everything is wrapped in a bandage.

These procedures should be repeated several times a day until the warts disappear. In addition to the soda solution, you can also use a soapy solution. It is recommended to use only laundry soap.


How to get rid of straight warts? In this case, the most effective will be the use of milk juice. The juice should be lubricated with neoplasm several times a day. The results of the application will be immediately noticeable, the main thing is to prevent water from entering the healthy skin.

However, this method should be replaced with castor oil. For example, the first day - milk juice, the second day - castor oil, the third day - milk thistle juice, etc. This should be done until the wart is completely gone.

Tortilla with garlic and vinegar

You can use a tortilla made of wheat flour, garlic and vinegar to get rid of warts. The ingredients should be mixed until a plastic dough is obtained. It should be applied to the neoplasm, but not to healthy skin. To do this, you can use a patch by cutting a hole and sticking it on your skin.

Cover the cake with polyethylene and cover with a bandage. The compress should be stored for at least a day. The form itself must be removed very carefully, as it can be removed with the cake. If this happens, the wart should be lubricated with Vishnevsky's ointment.

We have reviewed the most popular and effective ways to get rid of a wart at home. However, it should be noted that all of them have only a cosmetic effect. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive treatment to eliminate the papilloma virus itself.