Drug treatment of warts and papillomas

Drug treatment of warts and papillomas is a modern method of treatment. Thanks to the latest advances in science and medicine, pharmacies have a wide range of products to care for problem areas and combat such neoplasms.

Brief information about papillomas

It is important to understand that human papillomavirus (HPV) is a serious infection that is difficult to treat. Each type of drug against this virus has its own characteristics of use and effect. It is important to approach the problem correctly, taking into account the characteristics of the pathogen.

Papilloma elements are superficial neoplasms that look more like moles. Almost all of them have short legs glued to the surface. Externally, such elements do not look aesthetically pleasing, which makes them ashamed and uncomfortable.

Neoplasms have a very different shape: straight, pointed, filamentous, mosaic. The color of the structure differs from the skin itself: it can be slightly light or dark. These increases are due to an increase in the number of elements in the upper layer of the epidermis in a particular area of the body.

The infection is kept secret for a long time. The patient has only one complaint - the appearance of characteristic moles, warts. All the internal structures of the body are also under attack. With an infectious lesion, different formations have been shown to occur in the mucous elements of the stomach, urea, and cervix.

How to remove a wart on the skin with medication

Features of drug treatment

Preparations for the removal of papillomas are often used. The main treatment for this disease is surgical removal of neoplasms. In this way, viral elements on the surface of the face, neck, arms and legs are removed. This is a radical way to get rid of warts, which is not always recommended. A milder method is the use of drugs for viral neoplasms. Proper, adequate and complete use of drugs has been shown to give good results.

It is important to know and understand: there is no cure for the virus. After infection, the pathogen remains in the body forever. The only thing that can be done is to monitor its activities. Modern drugs for the removal of papillomas allow to stop the spread of the pathogen and minimize the external manifestations of the disease.

If a papilloma is found, the doctor decides how to treat it and what medications to use after examining the patient. Complex treatment of the correct intensity will quickly restore immunity. Medications for papillomas differ from each other according to different criteria. In addition to the composition of the active ingredient and the manufacturer's company, they differ in pricing policy. In practice, 2 main groups of antipapilloma drugs are required. They differ fundamentally in the mechanism of action on the pathogen. These are local and systemic drugs that can be found in every pharmacy.

For external influences, local agents are applied directly to the affected areas: growth elements. As a result, all modified structures quickly die, dry up, and collapse on their own. Systemic drugs, including tablets and capsules, have a depressant effect on the pathogen itself from the inside. For this reason, it is best to take comprehensive measures to combat the disease: this is the only way to reliably stop the activity of the virus.

Simple and affordable medicines are especially popular, including:

  • salicylic acid (alcohol);
  • iodine tincture;
  • medical pen;
  • castor oil (for warts);
  • adhesive plaster for corn removal;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • tea tree essential oil.

It has been proven that it is best to use ointment elements for external use on the skin against acne. These valuable drugs have minimal toxicity to the body, even in the maximum dose. Medications only act locally. After such exposure, the growths disappear quickly.

One of the most popular and inexpensive remedies for papilloma neoplasms from this group is the pen. We are talking about a long-known drug based on silver compounds. This pen is specially formulated to combat warts and papillomas. The product is very easy to use, fast and long-lasting.

The pen is the drug of choice for many patients. Has a clear cauterizing, antibacterial and necrotic effect on neoplasms. It is a highly concentrated substance, so it should be applied gently without touching nearby healthy tissue. Otherwise, there is a risk of necrotization of healthy skin areas.

It is better to consult a specialist before using the product. Used improperly, it can cause burns and skin rashes. It is better not to use such a tool on the face, neck, genitals.

Tablet immunostimulants

drugs for the treatment of warts

One way to fight the virus is to prescribe specific medications that have a stimulating effect on the patient. It is advisable to prescribe such treatment frequently and for a long time in recurrent severe diseases. Such symptoms indicate the weakening of the body, the exhaustion of its defenses. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe medication to restore immunity.

The list of drugs for the complex treatment of viral relapse includes immunomodulators. The drugs effectively prevent the virus from multiplying, destroying all diseased and damaged cellular elements. It has a pronounced antiviral effect, significantly strengthening the immune system.

The drug is available in tablet form to correct pathological malfunctions of the immune system. The course of therapy should not exceed 4 weeks.

The therapy regimen and dose of the drug are calculated individually. It all depends on the type of viral agent and the degree of damage. In ordinary papillomas, drug treatment is sufficient. If warts are observed on the skin, surgery is indicated in addition to the tablets.

Homeopathy for HPV

They always fought with the help of natural substances in their hands to fight the signs of viral invasion. This type of therapy is especially effective in the complex fight against papillomavirus. Ginseng, lemon grass or echinacea tinctures are required, especially among patients. Mummy-based cream is valuable. There is a great demand for herbal remedies because the industry gives a softer order than concentrated acid or alkaline drugs.

Choice of medication

It is recommended to consult a dermatologist for the treatment of papillomavirus. The mode of therapy depends on the location of the virus. If a number of neoplasms appear, for example, in intimate places - examination and consultation with a gynecologist or andrologist. According to experts, self-treatment of viral neoplasms is a major health risk. This is due to the fact that papilloma formations are often malignant.

A new relapse of the disease occurs quickly due to poorly chosen and inadequate treatment. Choosing the right drug will ensure the following:

  • elimination of skin defects;
  • strengthening immunity to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Human papillomavirus infection is one of the most common pathologies of our time. The causative agent of the disease is extremely persistent. Mainly affects mucous structures. To successfully deal with the manifestations of the pathology, it is extremely important to undergo a thorough examination to determine the type of virus. This is the first step towards finding an adequate and complete therapy. Modern treatments and approaches can only minimize the external signs of infection.